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On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with the conference?Did the conference meet your expectations? (Yes/No)What topics would you like to see covered in future conferences?How likely are you to recommend this conference to a colleague or friend? (On a scale of 1 to 10)Did you find the conference venue convenient and accessible? (Yes/No)Were the conference materials (handouts, presentations, etc.) helpful to you? (Yes/No)Did you have any difficulties with registration or accessing conference information? (Yes/No)Do you have any additional feedback or suggestions for improving future conferences?

Scholarship Application

Application consists of:

1. A downloaded, completed, and attached application.


2. An attached document that answers the following two separate essay prompts:

A) How have you dealt with or overcome your disability?

B) Describe your realistic career goals and plans – be very specific.

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Please email with questions.

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2024 IL Conference Feedback

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